The e-Dairy Farm project was a 2 years European project accepted under the Leonardo da Vinci programme started on the 1st October 2006.
The full title of the project is:
"e-VET (Vocational Education & Training) for sustainable development of dairy farmers in multi-actor cooperation & terroir environment".
See as well:
- General introduction to the e-Dairy Farm project
- Public e-Dairy Farm repository


  • To help the farm level dairy sector to restructure and make the transition /adaptation from a supported context (CAP, regulated milk price, GATT agreements, …) towards a sustainable and independent environment (more added value on products; regional and product development based on quality and AOC/Appellations; Own business development of farmers in a coherent and community based regional and sectored approaches).
  • By accompanying farm producers and regional actors (local industries, regional development actors & communities):
    • To better exploit/ develop AOC/PDO/PGI/TSG (Appellations), regional product and Terroir images strength (and their increasing importance as this year was the first European fair
    • To increase their place in the added-value chain
    • To fully base their development on Quality approach and regulation implementation
    • To learn how to develop a self and autonomous sustainable activity in a community approach with increased exchanges (ICT tools, Best practices exchanges (Local, European and sector levels); Joint participation/exchanges through local/economical structures (mutualisation of experiences, needs, hands-on and "à la carte" but as well shared VET training)


  • CAP and rural reforms leave many farmers completely desperate in a chaotic future vision. Very little support exists at present to support the revolution farmers have to go through, especially in remote/difficult rural areas where production quantities can only be limited but where tradition, AOC (appellation)/"Terroir", Quality life image could be better used/valorised (completely in line with "from the farm to the fork" principles).
  • Dairy sector is very difficultly structured in tight ways for farmers (Milk price regulated and going only down). Only farmers able to produce big quantities of milk could sustain, but this is not possible in hard/difficult areas where breeding is not intensive. The only solution is to help dairy farmers of these regions to adapt and get a high place the value added chain.
  • Actors of these regions (remote/ mountain/ AOC, Terroir, …) want to fight altogether to maintain and develop economical and social life in these regions. It is not only the dairy farmers who will benefit from the training but the complete economical activity of the region by linking regional development actors, local VET centres (generally well specialised to the local activity), local agro-food SMEs,...
  • The European dimension will also enable strong exchange of experiences in terms of Best Practices for the professional, pedagogical and business development aspects, but as well in terms of professional recognition for farmers and local actors of formal and non-formal qualifications (at local and EU levels).The partner countries have been chosen in this respect, including Hungary that will benefit from the experience of the other countries that have already developed AOC policies, at various levels.


  • Final beneficiaries: Dairy farmers in fragile areas: remote/mountains or economically/socially destructuring regions.
  • Intermediate beneficiaries:
    • Trainers/teachers (from initial and LLL VET)
    • Regional development actors: Decision makers (regional council, municipalities, community of municipalities, …) and "Field Animators" (relay actors put in place by the Decision makers).

The e-Dairy Farm project includes a wide range of types of partners and cultures through 13 partners in 5 countries (B, F, GR, HU and P)

food-MAC Network
food MAC
MAC-Team aisbl
11, rue Charles Meert
1030 Bruxelles



Communauté de Communes du Cézallier
Le Poulainville
15190 Condat

Ecole Nationale des Industries Laitières et de la Viande d'Aurillac
Pompidou Route de Salers - BP 537
15005 Aurillac Cedex

Jeunes Agriculteurs
Syndicat des Jeunes Agriculteurs du Cantal
26, rue du 139ème R.I. BP 239
15002 AURILLAC Cedex

TEI of Athens
TEI Athens
Technological Educational Institution of Athens
Agiou Spyrodonos Str.
12210 Egaleo, ATHENS

Training and conference Centre of the Agricultural Bank of Greece
Ekpedeftiko kai Synedriako kentro agrotikis trapezas tis Ellados A.E.
Eleferiou Benizelou 154 & Antigonis
14671 Kastri - Athens

Greek National Dairy Committee
Ethnikis Epitropis Galaktos Elladas
Geoponiko Panepistimio Athinon
Iera Odos, 75
118 55 Athens

ANKA web
Development Agency of Karditsas SA
Anaptyhiaki Karditsas AE
27, Allamani & Blastsouka Str.
431 00 Karditsa


logo school HU web

Agricultural secondary technical and vocational school
3. Radnóti Miklós street
4220 Hajdúböszörmény



Hungarian Scientific Society for Food Industry
FO utca 68.
1027 Budapest

HB Agrar Kamara

agrarkamara web

Chamber of Agriculture Hajdú-Bihar County
Tessedik Sámuel u. 1.
4032 Debrecen



Associação para a Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica
R. Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida



Associação Nacional de Criadores de Ovinos Serra da Estrela
Quinta da Tapada, Bobadela
3400 Oliveira do Hospital